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- “On Romans 13:” SURJ-Faith Coordinator Rev. Anne Dunlap offers an interpretation of Romans 13:1-7 to counter those who use the text to sanction oppression. “‘Be subject to’ does not mean ‘obey the laws because laws are good and government is good because God said so.’ It means to make a choice. God’s way, or Rome’s way?”
- Countering Anti-Semitism Resource: Antisemitism is part of the machinery of division and fear used to uphold white supremacy. This list of articles, videos, and books is useful for everyone wanting to fight antisemitism, and is particularly pertinent to Christians for understanding Christianity’s role in the development of antisemitism, how to dismantle it in biblical interpretation, and how it also upholds white supremacy. We continue to update this list. Here are just a few highlights:
- 2020 SURJ-Faith Webinars with Palestinian and Jewish Organizers:
- “13th” Faith Discussion Guide: This guide for the documentary “13th” about the 13th amendment and mass incarceration of people of color offers reflections and action suggestions in response to the film.
- “White Beloveds: #BlackLivesMatter is Not a Trend, It’s an Invitation to Our Own Freedom Too.“ Powerful piece on the SURJ value of organizing out of mutual interest from Rev. Margaret Ernst, SURJ-Faith leader.