Current campaigns
We’re working towards a world where all people can live with dignity and joy. And we believe white people have an important role in getting us there. 2024 is a pivotal year– but if we show up well, we’ll end the year with more people power and more favorable conditions for our organizing. Our 2024 campaign is “Build, Block, Grow.” We’re going to build progressive power in Congress by defending members of the Squad in their primaries. We’re going to block authoritarians from taking over the federal government. And we’re going to bring in thousands of new members and grow our movements. Can you join us?
The stakes of this election are high- Trump and the MAGA movement gaining more federal power will usher in a style of authoritarian rule that will be dangerous for all of us. And we know that if they win, they will be carried by the support of white people. People of color are getting their folks in formation- and white people need to do our part!
SURJ has a plan to contact 12 million white voters in key swing states. We know that our people will come with us when we engage them- we just have to get to them before the far right does! Ride with us through this election to block MAGA- and then join us to organize for racial justice beyond election cycles.
There are two ways you can join us:
New? Come to an orientation.
Whether you’re new to SURJ or have been with us before, we’re glad you’re here! We’re the largest organization in North America that explicitly organizes white communities for racial and economic justice. Sign up to hear about what SURJ does, why we do it, how we’ll win, and how you can join our team.
Recruit other white people to take action
Come grow the movement by calling SURJ supporters to invite them into the fight for racial justice! We gather each Tuesday to call our people—other SURJ members and supporters who are looking for their place to plug in and get involved! It’s an amazing opportunity to connect with SURJ members across the country, hear their stories, and support them in deepening their involvement. Training and support are offered at the start so you’ll have everything you need to make calls! Just bring yourself and a phone.
Abolition Action Hour
Join SURJ’s monthly Abolition Action Hours to come together to take collective action with SURJ and our partners in the fight for racial and economic justice!
In our one-hour gatherings we make calls, sign petitions, send emails, and take online action to close jails, defund police, invest in communities, protect Indigenous rights to land and water, and more! You’ll receive training and support throughout the session as well as a community of fellow SURJ members to take action with!
All are welcome, whether you’re a long-time SURJ member or are just hearing about SURJ for the first time!