13,000 New People Join SURJ In One Week

In the week since the election, more than 13,000 new people have joined SURJ, we have 100+ community meetings planned across the country, and you’ll be hearing soon about the training program we’re running before Inauguration Day.

So many of us are still reeling from the news last week– and we are getting ready to be in the best position possible to fight back and build power under Trump’s administration. 

Here are three other offerings happening in the next week where you can dig in with us:

“Rethinking Thanksgiving” webinar, Nov. 17:  an annual Thanksgiving offering with SURJ and our partners to root deeper into a commitment to dismantling colonial myths, uplifting Indigenous rights, and honoring mother earth. Join us before the Thanksgiving holiday to root into the lineage of and present-day Indigenous movements.

“White Men Against MAGA” webinar, Nov 20: if you’re a white man against MAGA or know someone who is, join white men organizers with SURJ to bring thousands of other white men together for support, community, and grounding to specifically organize white men into action under a Trump administration. Watch the webinar here.

“Come Hell or High Water” an invitation to poor and working class white men, Nov 18: know a white man in your life who might not opt into a webinar called “White Men Against MAGA” but who understands that those at the top are leeching off of the working class? Punch Up is launching next week to organize poor and working white men– even those who voted for Trump or lean MAGA– around working white men’s shared interest in fighting for change.

Learn more here and spread the word using their toolkit.