A home for white people working for justice

When we fight racism, we all win.

SURJ mobilizes white people for justice across the country. Through campaigns, education, and action opportunities, we move our people to reject racism and complicity– and to join movements for change.

Current Campaigns

Learn more about our current work and join us in action below.

Join “Gear Up,” our 10 week education, training, and action program to be ready to be skilled-up and ready to hit the ground running after Inauguration Day in 2025.

We have thousands of white folks who have said they’re ready to get involved with us, but need a conversation or nudge to get started. At our “Turnout Tuesdays” event, we call these folks and help them plug in. This is a great place for new phone bankers to practice having conversations with people ready to get involved.

Whether you’re new to SURJ or have been with us before, we’re glad you’re here! We’re the largest organization in North America that explicitly organizes white communities for racial and economic justice. Sign up to hear about what SURJ does, why we do it, how we’ll win, and how you can join our team!

The Latest

Gear Up: a 10 week training series for white people to fight back under Trump

Gear Up: Get Trained To Organize With SURJ

From dangerous, under-qualified cabinet appointees to previewing an authoritarian agenda, MAGA is getting into formation to hit the ground running in January 2025. That means we also have just under two months to get ready, rest up, and rise to meet the moment. Today, SURJ is launching a 10-week training series

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13,000 New People Join SURJ In One Week

In the week since the election, more than 13,000 new people have joined SURJ, we have 100+ community meetings planned across the country, and you’ll be hearing soon about the training program we’re running before Inauguration Day. So many of us are still reeling from the news last week– and

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